var delayTimer; /* ### FILTER AND VIEW FUNCTIONS ### */ // Search function doSearch(text, templateId, mainTemplateId) { clearTimeout(delayTimer); delayTimer = setTimeout(function() { updateFilter("search", encodeURIComponent(String(text)), templateId, mainTemplateId); }, 500); } function toggleSelection(button) { $("#categoryFilters > a").removeClass("active"); $("#zipFilters > a").removeClass("active"); $(button).addClass("active"); } /* ### END FILTER AND VIEW ACTIONS ### */ /* ### DYNAMIC LOADING ### */ // Update filter in queries function updateFilter(filterName, filterValue, templateId, mainTemplateId, contentDiv) { // Get current queries from URL var urlQueries =; let path = window.location.pathname; if (!(contentDiv || typeof contentDiv === "string")) { contentDiv = "contentSub"; } // Update or insert filter urlQueries = updateQueryValue(filterName, filterValue, urlQueries); if (mainTemplateId && mainTemplateId > 0) { urlQueries = updateQueryValue("MainTemplateId", mainTemplateId, urlQueries); } // Update content updateContent(templateId, urlQueries.substring(1) + `&Path=${path}&ContentDiv=${contentDiv}`); } // Update div content function updateContent(templateId, queries, scroll) { if (typeof templateId !== "number") { console.log("Template id not defined, unable to update content. Exiting!"); return false; } // Check for filter update and remove it from queries var filterUpdate = (getQueryValue("FilterUpdate", queries) === "true"); queries = removeQuery("FilterUpdate", queries); // Check which content div to update var contentDiv = getQueryValue("ContentDiv", queries); queries = removeQuery("ContentDiv", queries); if (typeof contentDiv !== "string" || contentDiv === "") { contentDiv = "contentMain"; } // Check if history is to be updated var noHistory = filterUpdate || (getQueryValue("History", queries) === "false"); queries = removeQuery("History", queries); if (!noHistory) { // Get path from queries var path = getQueryValue("Path", queries); queries = removeQuery("Path", queries); } else { path = window.location.pathname; } // Save current page scroll before ajax load try { window.history.state.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); window.history.replaceState(window.history.state, "", window.location.pathname); } catch (e) { console.log("Error saving history - " + e); }; // Get dialog html from template $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/servlet/wisweb.ViewData", data: "TemplateId=" + String(templateId) + "&" + String(queries) + "&PortalId=" + String(jsPortalId) + "&DesignAreaId=" + jsDesignAreaId }).done(function(html) { if ($(html).find(`#${contentDiv}`).length > 0) { $("#" + contentDiv).html($(html).find(`#${contentDiv}`).html()); } else { $("#" + contentDiv).html(html); } // Initialize and localize Bootstrap-Select if ($('.selectpicker').length) { $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({noneResultsText: "Ingen treff for {0}"}); $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({noneSelectedText: "Alle målgrupper"}); $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({countSelectedText: "{0} valgt"}); $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({selectedTextFormat: "count > 1"}); } if (scroll && scroll > 0) { $(window).scrollTop(scroll); } else { $(".menu-container")[0].scrollIntoView(); } queries = removeQuery("secret-code", queries); if (hasQuery("MainTemplateId", queries)) { updateURL(getQueryValue("MainTemplateId", queries), path, removeQuery("MainTemplateId", queries), noHistory); } else { updateURL(templateId, path, queries, noHistory); } initImageGalleries(contentDiv); initSlider(); $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); }).fail(function(html) { console.log("Error retrieving template. Exiting!"); console.log(html); }); } // Update the URL function updateURL(templateId, path, queries, noHistory) { if (queries.startsWith("?") || queries.startsWith("&")) { queries = queries.slice(1); } let stateObj; if (typeof queries === "string" && queries !== "") { if (queries.indexOf("?") !== 0) { path = path + "?" + queries; } else { path = path + queries; } stateObj = { templateId: parseInt(templateId), queries: queries }; } else { stateObj = { templateId: parseInt(templateId), queries: "" }; } // Check that path starts with / if (path.indexOf("/") !== 0) path = "/" + path; if (typeof noHistory === "boolean" && noHistory === true) { window.history.replaceState(stateObj, "", path); } else { window.history.pushState(stateObj, "", path); } } function initImageGalleries(contentId) { let selector = ".image-gallery"; if (contentId) { selector = "#" + contentId + " .image-gallery"; } if ($(selector).length && $.fn.magnificPopup) { $(selector).magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true, preload: [0,2] } }); } } function initSlider() { const imageContainer = document.getElementById('imageContainer'); const sliderImages = document.querySelectorAll('.slider-image'); let currentImage = 0; if (!imageContainer || sliderImages.length === 0) return; function setContainerHeight() { let maxHeight = 0; sliderImages.forEach(img => { if (img.naturalHeight / img.naturalWidth * img.clientWidth > maxHeight) { maxHeight = img.naturalHeight / img.naturalWidth * img.clientWidth; } }); = maxHeight + 'px'; } function showNextImage() { sliderImages[currentImage].style.opacity = 0; currentImage = (currentImage + 1) % sliderImages.length; sliderImages[currentImage].style.opacity = 1; } window.addEventListener('resize', setContainerHeight); setContainerHeight(); sliderImages.forEach(img => = 0); sliderImages[0].style.opacity = 1; setInterval(showNextImage, 5000); } function initEditor(editorId) { if (editorId) { new FroalaEditor("#" + String(editorId), { key: '1CC3kB5D7A4C4D4A3bHIMFF1EWBXIJb1BZLZFh1i1MXQLjE4C3F3H3B4A5A4E3A3H3', toolbarInline: false, language: 'nb', useClasses: true, heightMin: 100, imageUploadParam: 'ww_File', imageUploadURL: '', imageUploadParams: {source: 'froala-editor'}, imageUploadMethod: 'POST', imageResizeWithPercent: true, imageRoundPercent: true, imageDefaultAlign: 'left', imageDefaultWidth: 100, attribution: false, toolbarSticky: false, entities: '', imageEditButtons: ['imageAlign', 'imageCaption', 'imageRemove', '|', 'imageLink', 'linkOpen', 'linkEdit', 'linkRemove', '-', 'imageDisplay', 'imageStyle', 'imageAlt', 'imageSize'], toolbarButtons: ['fullscreen', '|', 'undo', 'redo', '|', 'paragraphFormat', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', '|', 'outdent', 'indent', 'align', 'quote', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clearFormatting', '|', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'color', '|', 'html', '-', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertFile', 'insertTable', 'insertVideo', 'insertHR', 'customInsertSection'], toolbarButtonsXS: ['fullscreen', '|', 'paragraphFormat', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', '|', 'bold', 'italic', '-', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo', 'insertFile', 'insertTable', 'insertHR'] }) } else { new FroalaEditor('.froala-editor', { key: '1CC3kB5D7A4C4D4A3bHIMFF1EWBXIJb1BZLZFh1i1MXQLjE4C3F3H3B4A5A4E3A3H3', toolbarInline: false, language: 'nb', useClasses: true, heightMin: 100, imageUploadParam: 'ww_File', imageUploadURL: '', imageUploadParams: {source: 'froala-editor'}, imageUploadMethod: 'POST', imageResizeWithPercent: true, imageRoundPercent: true, imageDefaultAlign: 'left', imageDefaultWidth: 100, attribution: false, toolbarSticky: false, entities: '', imageEditButtons: ['imageAlign', 'imageCaption', 'imageRemove', '|', 'imageLink', 'linkOpen', 'linkEdit', 'linkRemove', '-', 'imageDisplay', 'imageStyle', 'imageAlt', 'imageSize'], toolbarButtons: ['fullscreen', '|', 'undo', 'redo', '|', 'paragraphFormat', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', '|', 'outdent', 'indent', 'align', 'quote', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clearFormatting', '|', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'color', '|', 'html', '-', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertFile', 'insertTable', 'insertVideo', 'insertHR', 'customInsertSection'], toolbarButtonsXS: ['fullscreen', '|', 'paragraphFormat', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', '|', 'bold', 'italic', '-', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo', 'insertFile', 'insertTable', 'insertHR'] }) } } function showDialog(type, params, stacked) { let dialogDiv = "dialog"; if (type === "img") { data = "TemplateId=36855"; dialogDiv = "imageDialog"; } else if (type === "event") { data = "TemplateId=36827" } else if (type === "reg") { data = "TemplateId=36877" } else { return false } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/servlet/wisweb.ViewData", data: data + "&" + String(params) }).done(function(html) { $("#" + dialogDiv).html(html); initEditor(); $("#" + dialogDiv).modal("show"); }).fail(function(resp) { console.log("Error retrieving template."); console.log(resp); }) } /* ### END DYNAMIC LOADING ### */ /* ### URL QUERY FUNCTIONS ### */ function hasQuery(queryItemName, queries) { // Remove preceeding questionmark if (queries.indexOf("?") === 0) { var queries = queries.substring(1).split("&"); } else { var queries = queries.split("&"); } if (typeof queries === "object" && queries.toString() !== "") { var queryItems = {}; for (var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { var split = queries[i].split('='); queryItems[split[0].trim()] = (typeof split[1] !== "undefined") ? split[1].trim() : ""; } if (queryItemName in queryItems) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } function updateQueryValue(queryName, queryValue, queries) { var regQueryName = new RegExp("([?&])" + queryName + "=.*?(&|#|$)", "i"); if (queryValue === undefined || queryValue === "") { if (queries.match(regQueryName)) { return removeQuery(queryName, queries); } else { return queries; } } else { if (queries.match(regQueryName)) { return queries.replace(regQueryName, '$1' + queryName + "=" + queryValue + '$2'); } else { var hash = ''; if (queries.indexOf('#') !== -1) { hash = queries.replace(/.*#/, '#'); queries = queries.replace(/#.*/, ''); } var separator = queries.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?"; return queries + separator + queryName + "=" + queryValue + hash; } } } function removeQuery(queryName, queries) { var rtn = queries.split("?")[0], param, params_arr = [], queryString = (queries.indexOf("?") !== -1) ? queries.split("?")[1] : queries; if (queryString !== "") { params_arr = queryString.split("&"); for (var i = params_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { param = params_arr[i].split("=")[0]; if (param === queryName) { params_arr.splice(i, 1); } } rtn = (queries.indexOf("?") !== -1) ? rtn + "?" + params_arr.join("&") : params_arr.join("&"); } return rtn; } function getQueryValue(queryName, queries) { var queries = queries.substring(1).split("&"); var queryItems = {}; for (var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { var split = queries[i].split('='); if (typeof split[1] !== "undefined") { queryItems[split[0].trim()] = split[1].trim(); } else { queryItems[queries[i]] = queries[i]; } } if (queryName in queryItems) { return queryItems[queryName]; } else { return ""; } } /* ### END URL QUERY ### */ /* ### EVENTS ### */ window.onpopstate = function(event) { try { updateContent(event.state.templateId, event.state.queries + "&History=false", event.state.scrollTop); $(".menu-container .item-active").removeClass("item-active"); $("#menuItem-" + event.state.templateId).addClass("item-active"); } catch (e) { $(".menu-container")[0].scrollIntoView(); console.log(e); //window.location.reload(true); } }; /* ### END EVENTS ### */ function MonthLength(intMonth, intYear) { // Sjekk måneder med 30 dager if ( (intMonth == 4) || (intMonth == 6) || (intMonth == 9) || (intMonth == 11) ) return 30; // Sjekk om februar har et skuddår - alle år delbar på 4, bortsett fra de delelig på 100 (men IKKE 400) if (intMonth == 2) { var leapyear = false; if ( (Math.floor(intYear/4) == (intYear/4)) && ((Math.floor(intYear/100) != (intYear/100)) || (Math.floor(intYear/400) == (intYear/400))) ) { return 29; } return 28; } return 31; } function checkDate(elDate) { if (!elDate) elDate = this; var strInput = new String(elDate.value); if (strInput == "") return true; // Gjør om alle kjente typer separatorer strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(",", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(";", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(":", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(" ", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("-", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("_", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("/", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("\\\\", "g"), "."); // Splitt teksten på separatorer var arParts = strInput.split("."); // Dato på formen ddmm if (arParts.length == 1 && strInput.length == 4) { arParts[0] = strInput.substring(0, 2); arParts[1] = strInput.substring(2, 4); arParts[2] = ""; } // Dato på formen ddmmåå if (arParts.length == 1 && strInput.length == 6) { arParts[0] = strInput.substring(0, 2); arParts[1] = strInput.substring(2, 4); arParts[2] = strInput.substring(4, 6); } // Dato på formen ddmmåååå if (arParts.length == 1 && strInput.length == 8) { arParts[0] = strInput.substring(0, 2); arParts[1] = strInput.substring(2, 4); arParts[2] = strInput.substring(4, 8); } // Finn gjeldende dato var today = new Date(); var dateNow = today.getDate(); var monthNow = today.getMonth() + 1; var yearNow = today.getFullYear(); yearNow = new String(yearNow); // Gjør om dag til tall var date = parseInt(arParts[0], 10); if (isNaN(date)) date = dateNow; // Gjør om måned til tall var month = parseInt(arParts[1], 10); if (isNaN(month)) month = monthNow; // Gjør om år til tall var year = parseInt(arParts[2], 10); if (isNaN(year)) year = yearNow; if (date < 1) date = 1; if (date > 31) date = 31; if (month < 1) month = 1; if (month > 12) month = 12; if (year < 0) year = today.getFullYear(); // Tar hensyn til ulik lengde på månedene (f.eks 30.02.2006 -> 28.02.2006) var monthlen = MonthLength(month, year); if (date > monthlen) date = monthlen; // Gjør om alle tall til tekster date = new String(date); month = new String(month); year = new String(year); // Korriger lengde på tall (foranstilte nuller) while (date.length < 2) date = "0" + date; while (month.length < 2) month = "0" + month; if (year.length < 4) year = yearNow.substring(0, 4 - year.length) + year; // Erstatt original verdi elDate.value = date + "." + month + "." + year; return true; } function checkTime(elTime) { var strInput = new String(elTime.value); if (strInput == "") return true; // Gjør om alle kjente typer separatorer strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(",", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(";", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(":", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp(" ", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("-", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("_", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("/", "g"), "."); strInput = strInput.replace(new RegExp("\\\\", "g"), "."); // Splitt teksten på separatorer var arParts = strInput.split("."); // Tid på formen t/tt if (arParts.length == 1 && strInput.length < 3 && strInput.length > 0) { arParts[0] = strInput; arParts[1] = ""; } // Tid på formen tmm if (arParts.length == 1 && strInput.length == 3) { arParts[0] = strInput.substring(0, 1); arParts[1] = strInput.substring(1, 3); } // Tid på formen ttmm if (arParts.length == 1 && strInput.length == 4) { arParts[0] = strInput.substring(0, 2); arParts[1] = strInput.substring(2, 4); } // Gjør om time til tall var hour = parseInt(arParts[0], 10); if (isNaN(hour)) hour = 0; // Gjør om minutt til tall var minute = parseInt(arParts[1], 10); if (isNaN(minute)) minute = 0; // Korrigere time if (hour < 0) hour = 0; if (hour > 23) hour = 23; // Korrigere minutt if (minute < 0) minute = 0; if (minute > 59) minute = 59; // Gjør om alle tall til tekster hour = new String(hour); minute = new String(minute); // Korriger lengde på tall while (hour.length < 2) hour = "0" + hour; while (minute.length < 2) minute = "0" + minute; // Erstatt original verdi elTime.value = hour + ":" + minute; return true; }